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Interested in learning more about the latest discoveries in the Department of Physics? You’ve come to the right place. Find out what’s new and noteworthy in physics at IU Indianapolis.
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14 results found
School of Science researchers named among top 2% of scientists on Stanford list
September 30, 2021
The ranking method is based on standardized citation metrics developed by a group of scientists led by a statistician at Stanford University.
Collecting light: ASU researchers publish faster methods for observing molecular behavior
February 03, 2020
We live in a data-driven world. Thanks to the ever-connected climate made possible by the internet and mobile personal devices, we are both creators and insatiable consumers of information. What's more, thanks to the capabilities of modern data processing and the current demand for an individual and customized experience, an incredible amount of time and energy is devoted to tracking, understanding, and predicting everything from shopping habits to weather patterns to viral twitter feeds.
Complex energies, quantum symmetries
October 07, 2019
New research from IUPUI and Washington University in St. Louis realizes one of the first parity-time (PT) symmetric quantum systems, allowing scientists to observe how that kind of symmetry—and the act of breaking of it—leads to previously unexplored phenomena. The work is published Oct. 7 in the journal Nature Physics, with associate professors at IUPUI and at Washington University, as the corresponding authors.
Physics could answer questions about breast cancer spreading to bones
June 04, 2019
To fully understand why breast cancer spreads, or metastasizes, you must also consider the how. That's what researchers in a biophysics and imaging laboratory in the School of Science at IUPUI did as they studied the mechanics of cell migration, which can possibly explain how cancer cells generate enough force to move from the primary tumor site through the body and then settle into bones, said Jing Liu, an assistant professor in the school's Department of Physics, a Purdue University program.
Having an online social forum for class networking gives physics students a boost, study says
October 01, 2018
Grasping the impulse-momentum theorem during a 100-level physics lecture is one thing, but what if it doesn't make as much sense once you start your homework assignment? Andy Gavrin, IUPUI physics department chair and associate professor, first added an online social forum to his courses to help students stay engaged in the coursework and assist one another outside of class. A new study of these forums indicates the online tool is valuable to helping students succeed in physics courses.
Biophysics of fish oil health benefits
May 17, 2017
Physics graduate receives award for best student paper
December 06, 2016