
Research that impacts the world around us

The earth and environmental sciences research we do here at IU Indianapolis impacts the globe. We not only study problems in central Indiana, but other areas of the United States, the ocean, other continents, and even other planets.

Collaborating to make an even bigger impact

Some research is completed by individual faculty members, while other research is carried out collaboratively among several faculty members with the help of graduate and undergraduate students.

When scientists join collective talents and skills, impressive things happen. The Department of Earth Science collaborates with the Forensic and Investagative Sciences program, the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and the Department of Biology in the School of Science. The department also collaborates with the Department of Geography, the School of Dentistry, and the Center for Earth and Environmental Science.

Facilities and equipment

Our department has a wide variety of advanced equipment and technologies that aid in our research. These include:

  • Geotek Multi-Sensor core logger
  • Picarro Water Isotope Analyzer
  • Aerodynamic Levitation Laser Furnace
  • Piston Cylinder Apparatus
  • Zeiss EVO-10 Scanning Electron Microscope with Bruker 60mm^2 EDS detector
  • Perkin-Elmer ICP-OES
  • Olympus Hand-held XRF
  • Lead Care II blood lead analyzer
  • Shimadzu Scanning Spectrophotomer
  • Leco AMA254 Mercury Analyzer
  • CEM Microwave Digester MDS2000
  • Mettler Toledo microbalance
  • ThermoFisher Element 2 ICP-MS
  • Bruker D8 Discover X-Ray Diffractometer
  • Dionex 1100 Ion Chromatograph
  • Thermo UltiMate 3000 High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph
  • DelsaNano HC Dynamic Light Scattering Particle sizer with pH titrator
  • BioTek multiplate reader
  • Olympus BH2 petrographic microscope and camera system
  • DLK-70 potentiostats
  • DLK-ISEA Potentiostat
  • Malvern Particle Size Analyzer
  • DeltaV Plus with EAIsoLink and TC/EA
  • MAT252 with GasBench II
  • Eltra Carbon Sulfur Analyzer
  • CEM Microwave Digester Mars 6

Explore everything earth sciences has to offer