On this page, you'll find information about our capstone courses and sections to help you decide which option is right for your.
Capstone course descriptions
PSY-B 433 Capstone Laboratory in Psychology
With Dr. Kyle Minor. This capstone course is typically offered in Spring semesters.
Course description
This capstone experience allows students to synthesize their knowledge of applied psychological research, focusing on a specific topic (e.g., serious mental illness, addiction neuroscience). Students will engage in the entire research process, from literature reviews to data analysis, and present their findings.
What you'll experience
- Develop and conduct an original research project using provided datasets.
- Enhance skills in:
- Understanding research and methodology.
- Scientific writing in APA format.
- Statistical analysis using SPSS.
- Poster creation and presentation.
Course highlights
- Formulate research questions and hypotheses.
- Evaluate and discuss peer-reviewed research articles.
- Write a full APA-style research paper.
- Present findings at a department-wide poster session.
- B305 Statistics
- B311 Introductory Laboratory in Psychology
- At least two 300-level core courses in Psychology
Good fit for
- Students planning to pursue graduate studies in psychology or related fields.
- Those interested in careers in clinical psychology, research, academia, or mental health professions.
- Individuals looking to enhance their research, analytical, and communication skills.
PSY-B 454 Capstone Seminar in Psychology
With Dr. Milena Petrović. This capstone course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
Course description
This capstone course helps psychology majors apply their knowledge and skills to create and propose solutions to real-world problems (e.g., stigma on mental health disorders, homelessness, substance abuse). Students will identify a problem, review literature, understand the problem from a psychological perspective, design a solution, and present their proposal.
What you'll experience
- Develop a unique solution to a real-world problem of your choice.
- Enhance skills in:
- Literature review
- Applying psychological theories
- Designing solutions
- Proposing effectiveness assessments
- Teamwork
- Scientific writing in APA format
- Poster creation and presentation
Course highlights
- Identify and analyze a real-life problem.
- Learn about current solutions.
- Create an effective solution using modified constraint analysis.
- Write an APA-format proposal paper.
- Present your proposal.
- B305 Statistics
- B311 Research Methods in Psychology
- At least two 300-level core courses in Psychology
Good fit for
- Students interested in applying psychology to real-world problems.
- Those looking to enhance application, analytical, and communication skills.
PSY-B 454 Capstone Seminar in Psychology
With Dr. Peggy Stockdale. This capstone course is typically offered in Spring semesters.
Course description
This capstone seminar integrates knowledge, skills, and insights gained throughout the undergraduate curriculum to conduct a comprehensive literature review. It focuses on identity, inequity, and inclusivity across workplaces, education, and health domains. Students will critically analyze research, synthesize information across disciplines, and complete a final capstone paper.
What you'll experience
- Engage in discussions of interdisciplinary research on inequity, inclusion, and belonging.
- Learn from guest speakers with professional and/or lived experiences.
- Complete scaffolded assignments guiding problem identification, literature review, synthesis, and professional writing in APA format.
- Create and present a research poster.
Course highlights
- Identify a research topic within identity, inequity, and inclusivity.
- Discuss scientific research with peers.
- Develop professional skills in interacting with guest speakers.
- Hone skills in writing an APA-style literature review.
- Develop and present a research poster.
- B305 Statistics
- B311 Research Methods in Psychology
- At least two 300-level core courses in Psychology
Good fit for
- Students who want to become informed citizens with critical thinking skills.
- Those looking to develop writing and oral presentation skills.