Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Outcomes

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). The Commission on Accreditation at the APA requires that accredited programs provide the following data:

We also provide applicant and admission data consistent with our membership in the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP).

Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

Phone: (202) 336-5979


Program disclosures

Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values?

If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented.

Time to completion for all students entering the program

OutcomeYear in which degrees were conferred
Total number of students with doctoral degree conferred on transcript142664716340
Mean number of years to complete the program65.7556.165.565.86610.866.31
Median number of years to complete the program66566666665.90
Time to Degree RangesN%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%
Students in less than 5 years00000000117000000000013
Students in 5 years00125210011711700114000000615
Students in 6 years11003750035046741006867700610031003793
Students in 7 years00000023300000000000025
Students in more than 7 years0000000000000000000000

Credit for prior graduate degree or coursework

As mentioned in our program details, Indiana University requires a minimum of 90 credit hours of study for the doctorate degree. Students entering with prior graduate work may be eligible for course credit toward the 90 credit hours. For students who have a Masters’ degree in psychology, if the degree is accepted as equivalent to ours, a maximum of 30 semester hours may be transferred in from another graduate program, although typically students are able to transfer in no more than 12 semester hours. Students with a Master’s degree in psychology may be allowed to reduce the minimum hours required for the doctoral degree to 60 credit hours. However, in this case, students may not also earn a Master’s degree in clinical psychology from Indiana University.

For students with a Master’s degree that is not equivalent to ours, the student would earn a Master’s degree from Indiana University and no credits can transfer from their prior program, although we can could the courses as equivalent and not require a student to “re-do” classes. In general, students with a Master’s degree will reduce their time in the program by one year. However, it is critical to note that the Doctoral Plan of Study still must adhere to our guidelines. If preparation is lacking in areas required by the program, the hours needed may exceed the 60-hour minimum. The procedure for determining if prior coursework provides sufficient coverage of required curricula is outlined below.

There are Indiana University Graduate School limitations on using courses from other colleges; for degree requirements, see the Indiana University Graduate School (UGS) Bulletin. A student wishing to petition for receiving credit for previously completed graduate courses should first meet with his/her major advisor. For non-IUI courses, the student should bring a transcript and course syllabi to the meeting. Ordinarily, documentation for course equivalency will include a grade of B or better in a graduate-level course with appropriate course content as indicated by the course outline and reading list. Using this documentation, the student and advisor will collaboratively identify courses that may substitute for requirements in the curriculum. When appropriate, the advisor will contact the instructor of the corresponding course in the Clinical Psychology curriculum. The advisory committee makes recommendations to the Graduate School regarding the plan of study and course waivers. Final approval rests with the Graduate School.

The advisor is also responsible for monitoring the sequencing of courses in order to assure that the student completes his/her course requirements in the allotted time. Ordinarily students are expected to follow the prototypical course sequence, although some latitude is acceptable.

Program costs

Description2023–2024 1st-year Cohort Cost
Tuition for full-time students (in-state)$9,324
Tuition for full-time students (out-of-state)$26,232
Tuition per credit hour for part-time studentsN/A
University/institution fees or costs$917.41
Additional estimated fees or costs to students (e.g. books, travel, etc.)$1,000

Program costs and financial support supplemental information

All students are admitted to the program with some form of financial support that includes coverage of 24 hours per academic year of tuition expenses. 12 hours per semester is the maximum credit load for students in this program. Support mechanisms include fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships.

The minimum package for students entering 2024-25 is a 5-year financial support package that includes an annual stipend, a tuition scholarship, and health insurance. The minimum stipend is $21,000 for the 10-month academic year in return for a 20 hour per week commitment to research and/or teaching. Summer stipends may be available.

First year students supported as teaching assistants are asked to work 10 hours per week during the academic year helping faculty with class work and 10 hours helping their faculty mentor with research tasks. After the first year, teaching assistants are asked to work 20 hours per week. After the third year, students may be asked to teach classes as instructor of record.

The tuition scholarship covers the maximum remittable portion of 24 hours of credit each academic year. Students are responsible for approximately $917.41 per semester in incidental fees including a student services fee and parking fee. A full list of course and program fees may be found on the University Bursar website. Based on 2022-23 tuition rates, the tuition scholarship has an annual monetary value of approximately $9,324 for Indiana residents or $26,232 for non-residents. Since our inception in 1996, the Clinical Psychology program has been successful in providing continuous support to all PhD students who are in good standing in the program. Although this support is not guaranteed, we have every expectation that we will be able to provide this level of support in the future.

Detialed information regarding tuition and fees at IUI can be found on the IU MoneySmarts website. Select "School of Science" for Psychology Department rates.

Internship placement—Table 1 of 2

OutcomeYear applied for internship
Students who obtained APA/CPA-accredited internships4100210071006100410071003100710061003100
Students who obtained APPIC member internships that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained other membership organization internships (e.g. CAPIC) that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained internships conforming to CDSPP guidelines that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained other internships that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained any internship4100210071006100410071003100710061003100
Students who sought or applied for internships including those who withdrew from the application process4-2-7-6-4-7-3-7-6-3-

Internship placement—Table 2 of 2

OutcomeYear applied for internship
Students who sought or applied for internships including those who withdrew from the application process4-2-7-6-4-7-3-7-6-3-
Students who obtained paid internships4100210071006100410071003100710061003100
Students who obtained half-time internships* (if applicable)00000000000000000000

* Only include students who applied for internship and are included in "applied" count from Internship placement—Table 1.


VariableYear of First Enrollment
Students for whom this is the year of first enrollment (i.e. new students)5-10-4-7-7-6-7-4-6-4-
Students whose doctoral degrees were conferred on their transcripts510088037571003430000000000
Students still enrolled in program0000000022961007100410061004100
Students no longer enrolled for any reason other than conferral of doctoral degree00220125002290000000000


The total number of program graduates (doctoral degrees conferred on transcript) between 2 and 10 years ago36
The number of these graduates (between 2 and 10 years ago) who became licensed psychologists in the past 10 years8
Licensure percentage22%

Applicant and admission data

Number of applicants771011239311211012396106108
Number offered admission1412913161311865
Number matriculated51047764764
Number of incoming students receiving an assistantship that includes a full waiver of tuition51047767464