Logrip Lab


Many mental illnesses differ in their prevalence in men and women, and it is important for developing improved treatments to understand the reasons for sex differences in susceptibility. In the Logrip Lab, we focus on understanding how the neural circuits that shape behavior differ in males and females, and what that means for reinforced behaviors. We are interested particularly in how past stress experience alters the brain, and what this means for future anxiety-like behavior, depressive-like behavior, and alcohol use.

Our research synthesizes multiple experimental techniques to generate a broad picture of neural remodeling after stress and binge-like alcohol use, and its effect on behavior. Our goal is to identify new targets for drug development, towards improving treatment of comorbid stress-related disorders, like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and alcohol use disorder. The lab breaks out its research into three main technical research domains.

We use molecular biological techniques to understand how the point of communication between neurons - the synapse - changes after stress or binge-like alcohol intake.  Understanding how these adaptations differ between males and females can identify possible targets for new medication development in both sexes.

We use slice electrophysiology to investigate how behavioral experiences, like stress or binge-like alcohol consumption, alter neuronal activity. We look at changes in how neurons behave in specific regions, as well as how the communication between neurons of interconnected brain regions are changed by experience, and what this means for neuronal responses to drugs like alcohol.

Disorders like PTSD significantly worsen people's chances for maintaining sobriety, and in many cases these effects are more severe in females. We use rodent behavioral models to measure how past stressors impact future drinking, as well as to test whether pharmacological or chemogenetic tools that reverse the stress-related molecular or circuit adaptations can also block related increases in drinking.

Join the lab

Undergraduate students

Volunteer undergraduate research assistant positions and honors research slots open from time to time in the lab.  Dr. Logrip is happy to hear from IU Indianapolis undergraduates interested in participating in research, should an opening arise.

If you would like to be considered for such a position, please fill out the application in the link below.

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Graduate students

Dr. Logrip is looking for new graduate students to join our research team as part of the Addiction Neuroscience Ph.D. program. Feel free to email Dr. Logrip for more information, and check out the Addiction Neuroscience graduate program page for more information about our graduate program and application procedures.