College credit for students completing PLTW coursework

Upon completion of the biomedical sciences coursework, you will receive a course completion certification via email. The certificate will be emailed in the summer following your high school graduation.

As a matriculated IU Indianapolis student, you can request credit for this completed coursework. There is no fee for the credit if you submit your request during your first semester.

Please note that this is not dual credit offered in high school. It is for college credit at IU Indianapolis.

If you attend a different college/university, you can present the certificate to the biology department chair or another school administrator to determine if and how credit may be awarded at that institution. Please note that credit is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the institution.

IU Indianapolis does not provide college transcripts for PLTW coursework.


  1. You must take the PLTW biomedical sciences course(s) at a certified PLTW school and pass the End-of-Course (EoC) National Assessment Part A with a PLTW EoC Assesment score of 410 or higher.
  2. You must submit the IU Indianapolis Course Credit Application Form.
    • This form may be submitted after completion of each course, or preferably during your senior year in high school (with all courses on the same form).
    • If you submit the form after each course, please note that the certificate will be emailed upon your high school graduation (certifying all completed courses).
  3. If you attend IU Indianapolis, you must contact the SPAN Division during your first semester to request the college credit be recorded on your transcript.
    • There is no fee if the request is submitted during your first semester. You will incur a fee if you submit the request after your third semester of enrollment.
    • PLTW EoC score of 410–450 is equivalent to a "B" grade, and will be awarded an "S" at IU Indianapolis for satisfactory completion.
    • PLTW EoC score of 460–600 will be awarded an "A" at IU Indianapolis.
    • If you attend a different college/university, you can present the certificate to the biology department chair at your institution. It will be up to that institution to determine if college credit can be issued.
  4. For PLTW Computer Science courses, we currently offer IU Indianapolis college credit for these two PLTW AP-approved courses, with college credit awarded upon taking the AP exams and achieving the following scores:
AP Exam TitleAP Exam ScoreCourse NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours Awarded
Computer Science Principles3CSCI-N 200Programming Concepts3
Computer Science Principles4CSCI-N 200Programming Concepts3
Computer Science Principles5CSCI-N 200Programming Concepts3
Computer Science A3CSCI-UN 100 Computer Science Undistributed3
Computer Science A4CSCI 23000Computing I4
Computer Science A5CSCI 23000Computing I4

PLTW biomedical sciences courses

The table below lists PLTW high school biomedical sciences courses with their equivalent IU Indianapolis biology elective courses. If you matriculate to IU Indianapolis you may request college credit for these courses. The request must be submitted to the SPAN Division during your first semester at IU Indianapolis.

PLTW courseIU Indianapolis course
Principles of Biomedical SciencesBIOL-N 115 - Principles of Biomedical Sciences (3 credits)
Human Body SystemsBIOL-N 116 - Human Body Systems (3 credits)
Medical InterventionsBIOL-N 117 - Medical Interventions (3 credits)
Biomedical InnovationBIOL-N 118 - Biomedical Innovation (3 credits)


Course descriptions

Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. They determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person, and investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person's life. The activities and projects introduce students to human physiology, medicine, research processes and bioinformatics. This course is designed to provide an overview of all the courses in the Biomedical Sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses.

Students examine the interactions of body systems as they explore identity, communication, power, movement, protection and homeostasis. Students design data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal manikin, work through interesting real world cases and often play the role of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries.

Students investigate the variety of interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. The course is a "How-To" manual for maintaining overall health and homeostasis in the body as students explore: how to prevent and fight infection; how to screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and how to prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through these scenarios, students are exposed to the wide range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices and diagnostics. Lifestyle choices and preventive measures are emphasized throughout the course as well as the important roles scientific thinking and engineering design play in the development of interventions of the future.

In this capstone course, students apply their knowledge and skills to answer questions or solve problems related to the biomedical sciences. Students design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st century as they work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, addressing topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public health. They have the opportunity to work on an independent project and may work with a mentor or adviser from a university, hospital, physician's office, or industry. Throughout the course, students are expected to present their work to an adult audience that may include representatives from the local business and health care community.

Biomedical sciences

  • Principles of Biomedical Science
  • Biomedical Innovations
  • Medical Interventions


  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Principles of Engineering
  • Engineering Design and Development
  • Engineering Essentials

Computer science

  • Computer Science Essentials
  • Computer Science Principles
  • Cybersecurity

Graduate credit for teachers completing core training

Thanks to generous funding from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education—the coordinating agency that oversees the state's public universities—IU Indianapolis has received funding as part of an effort to improve teaching in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Indiana teachers

Indiana teachers can earn IU graduate credit for PLTW courses in biomedical sciences, engineering and computer science. The Hoosier STEM Academy will provide a full tuition and fee rebate of $1,375 for any Indiana teacher who completes the PLTW Core Training described in the table below.

The Hoosier STEM Academy, a partnership between IU Indianapolis, Ball State University and Purdue University, expands graduate-level course offerings to help with credentialing for current dual-credit Indiana teachers and pre-service teachers who plan to teach STEM dual-credit courses.

Teachers who do not reside in Indiana

Teachers who do not reside in Indiana have the option to apply and enroll in these courses as well, but will need to arrange to pay the tuition and fees. We are not able to offer a tuition remission at this time, but can assist you with the registration process.

PLTW Core Training completed at IU IndianapolisIU graduate course
Biomedical sciences
  • Principles of Biomedical Science
  • Biomedical Innovations
  • Medical Interventions
  • Human Body Systems
BIOL-I 595 - Special Assignments (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Principles of Engineering
  • Engineering Design and Development
  • Engineering Essentials
TECH 58100 - Workshop in Technology (3 credits)
Computer science
  • Computer Science Essentials
  • Computer Science Principles
  • Cybersecurity
  • Computer Science A
CSCI 59000 - Computer Science Topics for Teachers (3 credits)