Career Fairs

Upcoming: Fall 2025 SciTech Career & Internship Fair


Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2025
Time: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: IU Indianapolis Campus Center, Room 450


Career fair tips

Before the fair

  • Review the list of employer attendees on Handshake to familiarize yourself with the companies and opportunities for which they are recruiting.
  • Make a list of the companies you are interested in and do your research. Explore the company website, open positions, and the background of the organization.
  • Review your schedule (classes, work, meetings, etc.) to identify times you are able attend.
  • Prepare or update your resume and have it reviewed by the PREPs office. Print copies of your resume for each of the employers you intend to speak to, plus extras. 
  • Prepare questions! Identify general questions that you may ask all companies as well as specific questions for each. Your company research can help you do this effectively.
  • Practice how you might professionally introduce yourself by using a brief elevator pitch.

Day of and during the fair

  • Dress to impress. We always recommend business professional attire (full suit) for career fairs. 
  • Bring a padfolio; a leather folder with space for a legal pad, pen, business cards, and space to store your resumes and literature you pick up from employer tables.
  • Be aware of your eye contact and posture and provide a firm handshake if both you and the employer are comfortable doing so. 
  • Take notes during or immediately after your discussions. Have paper and pen with you. Ask the recruiter for their business card or email to ensure you can follow-up.
  • Display interest, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude.

After the fair

  • Follow up! Email the recruiter to thank them for your meeting, include some brief details from your meeting, and tell them what steps you intend to take (i.e., apply for a job you discussed).
  • Connect with the recruiter/employer on LinkedIn and be sure to include a message about how you met.
  • Apply for positions!

Learn more about attending a virtual career fair on Handshake by reviewing their student guide »

For more career fair prep assistance, schedule an appointment with PREPs.

Other IU Indianapolis career fairs

Career fairs at all IU campuses are open to all IU students. Check out the fairs below and on Handshake.

