PREPs Internship Scholarship

Get financial support during your internship

The PREPs Internship Scholarship exists to provide financial support to students engaging in unpaid or underpaid internships.

These scholarships are offered in the fall, spring, and summer semesters to students who have secured an internship, completed the application process, and received approval from the PREPs office.

Application criteria

To apply for a PREPs Internship Scholarship through the School of Science at IU Indianapolis, you must meet all of the following qualifications:

  1. Must have secured an unpaid or underpaid* internship for the fall, spring, or summer that meets internship standards outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) guidelines.
    • Internships must be in line with your major or career field of interest.
    • Internships cannot be on-campus internships or research positions. On-campus research positions eligible for CRL funding are not eligible.
  2. Must be an undergraduate student in the School of Science, enrolled full-time, pursuing your first undergraduate degree at IU Indianapolis, with at least a 2.5 GPA.
    • Seniors engaging in internships taking place after graduation are not eligible for this scholarship.
  3. Must demonstrate the impact of the scholarship, including financial need, and complete provided budget worksheet.

If you have not secured an internship, you are encouraged to meet with a PREPs advisor to discuss internship search tools and strategies. You can schedule an appointment using Handshake.

*Underpaid internships are those which pay below state minimum wage or those which offer pay insufficient for necessary costs of living (i.e. housing, transportation, food, etc.).

Application guidelines

Applications must be completed using the online form. You will need the following information in order to complete the form:

  1. Internship role/title, company/organization name and location
  2. Expected start and end date with intended hours and work days per week
  3. Site supervisor name, email, and phone number
    • Your site supervisor will receive an email requesting they verify your internship experience
  4. Job description for your internship. If not readily available, please request this from your internship supervisor or organization
  5. A completed budget worksheet; provided here and in application.
  6. A short essay answering the following questions (no more than 500 words)
    • How does this internship experience relate to your academic major and career path?
    • Why are you seeking this scholarship and how will it benefit you?

Apply now

Application timeline

You are encouraged to submit the application once an internship is secured. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

We strongly encourage you to submit the application at least two weeks before the due date for the semester. Applications for fall, spring, and summer internship scholarships must be completed no later than one week before the beginning of the semester.

Scholarship recipients

If you are selected to receive a PREPs Internship Scholarship, you will be required to do the following and have the option to complete for credit*, if desired:

  1. Complete a three-part internship summary/reflection paper
  2. Complete intern and supervisor mid-point and final evaluations
  3. Complete an updated resume
  4. Submit a photo and complete a brief survey of your internship experience

*You may choose to complete program requirements for credit by enrolling in SCI-I 494 with permission from PREPs. This course is approved for the IU Indianapolis Experiential and Applied Learning Record. You may also complete an internship credit course through your Science department with approval from PREPs.

Scholarship amount and distribution

Scholarship award amounts will be calculated based on need and total hours of internship experience.

You will be required to complete the budget worksheet as part of your application. This, along with the information about your internship experience, will be utilized to identify an appropriate scholarship amount.

Scholarship amounts will range from $500—$3,500.

Please keep in mind the scholarship award amounts will be reviewed and updated annually. Amounts are subject to change depending on scholarship availability.

Questions and answers

Contact Hailey Allen at if you have any additional questions or need more information.

No. This scholarship is intended for full-time, undergraduate students in the School of Science completing their first degree.

Yes. International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship if they have secured an unpaid or underpaid internship.

It is important that international students work with the Office for International Affairs to complete necessary Curricular Practical Training (CPT) paperwork and approval. International students are required to enroll in a credit-bearing internship course as part of the CPT process.

No. You are expected to have secured an internship prior to application. If you are a School of Science student seeking assistance in an internship search, you can schedule an appointment with the PREPs office via Handshake.

Scholarships will be distributed via your student bursar account approximately 3 to 4 weeks after the start of the given semester.

No. If you are receiving funding for your internship experience through another IU Indianapolis source, you are not eligible for this scholarship.

No. This scholarship is intended for formal internship opportunities occurring outside of campus offices and departments. Internship experiences must have a formal internship job description and meet the standards outlined by NACE/Department of Labor referenced above. Campus research opportunities, which may qualify for support through the Center for Research and Learning, are not eligible.

You are welcome to complete a capstone course to satisfy your major requirements but will still need to complete tasks and assignments outlined for scholarship recipients. If you wish to take a capstone course, you will need to discuss this option with PREPs and your academic advisor.

Yes. All legitimate internships that meet NACE/DOL standards will be considered acceptable for this scholarship. A complete job description and verification of internship will be required for each application.

At this time, only students officially admitted to the School of Science may apply for this scholarship.

Yes. Students may earn up to the maximum scholarship amount ($3500) during their undergraduate career. If you received less than the maximum scholarship award, you may apply again for additional funding.