Elective Courses

Make career planning part of your academic journey

PREPs offers a variety of elective courses to support students as they pursue their professional goals. Unless otherwise specified, these courses are open to all majors at IU Indianapolis. 

Make sure to review the details for each course, as many have specific requirements and may require departmental permission to enroll. 

Contact us at sciencepreps@iu.edu with any questions. 

SCI-I 225 Mentor-Based Research Experience

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

Course Details: 0-3 credits, Graded, Department Permission Required

Course Description: Students complete a semester research experience in a setting related to their academic or career objective.

Course Requirements: Students must secure an research experience prior to enrolling in the course. Students should consult their academic advisor to see if there is a more appropriate research course offered within their major. 

Complete the SCI-I 225 course application for permission to enroll.


SCI-I 394 Graduate School Application Prep

Semester Offered: Fall

Course Details: 1 credit, Graded, Hybrid- Distance Synchronous and Online

Course Description: This course will help students prepare to apply for graduate school programs (Master's and doctoral programs that are not professional school health programs). Topics covered will include: school selection; application overview; developing resumes and/or CVs; personal statement development; requesting letters of recommendation; interviewing; financing professional school; professionalism; and parallel planning. This course is ideal for seniors applying in the upcoming cycle.

Course Requirements: Junior/senior status required

Note: Students applying to professional health programs should enroll in SCI-I 397 Professional School Application Prep. 


SCI-I 396 Dental School Application Preparation

Semester Offered: Spring

Course Details: 1 credit, Satisfactory/Fail, 100% Online, Department Permission Required, KAPLAN DAT PREP FEE APPLIES

Course Description: The course will prepare students for the dental school application process, including the DAT and the application process. The application portion of the course will cover the ADEA AADSAS application overview, developing and editing a personal statement, identifying and soliciting letters of recommendation, constructing experience descriptions, and interviewing. The DAT preparation portion will focus on the four main areas of the DAT, which include: Natural Sciences, Perceptual Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Quantitative Reasoning. DAT preparation is delivered by Kaplan.

Course Requirements: Minimum 3.0 overall and science GPA (as calculated by AADSAS); have completed at least 75% of dental school prerequisites

Complete the SCI-I 396 course application for permission to enroll.


SCI-I 397 Professional School Application Prep

Semester Offered: Spring

Course Details: 1 credit, Graded, 100% Online

Course Description: This course will help students prepare to apply for professional health programs (anesthesiologist assistant, dentistry, genetic counseling, medicine, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, and veterinary medicine). Topics covered will include: school selection; application overview; personal statement development; requesting letters of recommendation; interviewing; financing professional school; professionalism; and parallel planning. This course is ideal for juniors or seniors planning to apply in the upcoming cycle.

Course Requirements: Junior/senior status required

Note: Students applying to graduate programs that are not professional health programs should enroll in SCI-I 394 Graduate School Application Prep. 


SCI-I 398 Medical School Application Preparation

Semester Offered: Spring

Course Details: 1 credit, Satisfactory/Fail, Department Permission Required, KAPLAN MCAT PREP FEE APPLIES

Course Description: The course will prepare students for the medical school application process, including the MCAT and the application process. The application portion of the course will cover the AMCAS/AACOMAS application overview, developing and editing a personal statement, identifying and soliciting letters of recommendation, constructing experience descriptions, and interviewing. The MCAT preparation portion will focus on the four main areas of the MCAT, which include: Critical Analysis and Reasoning, Chemistry and Physics, Biology and Biochemistry, and Psychology and Sociology. MCAT preparation is delivered by Kaplan.

Course Requirements: Minimum 3.0 overall and science GPA (as calculated by AMCAS); have completed at least 75% of medical school prerequisites

Complete the SCI-I 398 course application for permission to enroll.


SCI-I 494 Internship in Science-Based Fields

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer

Course Details: 0-6 credits, Graded, Department Permission Required

Course Description: Students complete a semester internship experience in an industrial, government, or business setting matching student’s academic or career objective.

Course Requirements: Students must secure an internship prior to enrolling in the course. Students should consult their academic advisor to see if there is a more appropriate internship course offered within their major. 

Complete the SCI-I 494 course application for permissions to enroll.