Honors Program

Add more depth to your science education

If you want to really challenge yourself, we invite you to apply for the School of Science Honors Program. 

Open to students from any School of Science major, the honors program gives you the opportunity to build on the school’s challenging accademics through deeper, more engaging learning experiences in the classroom, in the lab, and throughout campus.

If accepted to the honors program, you’ll get:

  • Access to exceptionally challenging and enriching coursework
  • Greater connections to the School of Science's community of scholars
  • Membership in the IU Indianapolis Honors College
  • Specialized career and pre-professional workshops for Honors students
  • Opportunity to live in the Honors House Residential Learning Community

You’ll also be eligible for the Dean of Science Scholarship and will receive an Honors notation on your transcript upon successful completion of the program.

How to apply to the Honors Program

You can apply for admission to the Science Honors Program during the spring semester. Be aware that admission is competitive as limited spots are available each year.

To apply for admission to the School of Science Honors Program, you must:

  • Be currently enrolled at IU Indianapolis
  • Be enrolled in a School of Science major or eligible to certify into a School of Science major
  • Have earned at least 15 credit hours in residence at IU Indianapolis
  • Have an IU Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50
  • Have at least four academic terms remaining to complete your degree
  • Attend an information session

You must also complete the School of Science Honors Program application, including a 500-word (maximum) answer to these questions:

  • How will participation in the School of Science Honors Program help you achieve your academic or professional goals?
  • What do you hope to gain from participation in this program?
  • How will your involvement in this program benefit the science community?

The application deadline is April 15