Areas of Study


Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life through the observation of structure, function, reproduction, growth, origin, evolution, and behavior of living organisms and their relation to their natural environment.

Within this area of study, we offer five undergraduate degrees, one undergraduate minor, five master of science degrees, and a Ph.D. program.

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Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Chemistry is the study of the basic structural units of matter—what things are made of, what their properties are, and how they act and interact. Chemical biology applies logic and methods from chemistry to the study of complex and challenging questions in biology.

We offer four undergraduate degrees, one undergraduate minor, one master of science, and a Ph.D. program.

Learn more about chemistry

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Earth sciences encompasses the study of earth material, water, and the atmosphere, as well as the relationships and interactions among minerals, water, air, and the biosphere through time. As a student here, you’ll learn about the importance, application, and relevance of earth sciences in modern society.

We offer four undergraduate degrees, two undergraduate minors, two master of science degrees, and one Ph.D. program.

Learn more about earth sciences

Forensic and Investigative Sciences

Forensics combines the best of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, along with criminal justice and law, enabling you to solve crimes and settle civil disputes. People who work in forensic science solve scientific puzzles, testify as experts in court, and even sometimes help collect evidence at crime scenes.

We offer one undergraduate degree, one undergraduate minor, and two master of science degrees.

Learn more about forensic sciences


Mathematics is one of the oldest and most fundamental sciences. Mathematicians use mathematical theory, computational techniques, algorithms, and the latest computer technology to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics, and business problems.

We offer five undergraduate degrees, one undergraduate minor, five master of science degrees, and two Ph.D. programs.

Learn more about math


Neuroscience is a rapidly advancing field that addresses the structure and function of the nervous system, with particular focus on the intersection between the brain and behavior. Neuroscientists routinely draw on the fields of psychology, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and computer science in their work.

We offer one undergraduate degree and one undergraduate minor.

Learn more about neuroscience


Physics is the study of matter and energy, from the smallest scale, as in the study of elementary particles, to the largest, as in the study of the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. In this sense, physics is the science that underlies all other sciences. Developments in basic physics drive technology, and technology helps physicists discover nature’s secrets.

We offer three undergraduate degrees, an undergraduate minor, a master of science degree, and a Ph.D.

Learn more about physics


Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and change behavior (observable actions) and mental processes (thoughts, feelings, memories, and beliefs). IUPUI psychology specialties include addictions neuroscience, health psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, severe mental illness, and stereotyping and prejudice.

We offer three undergraduate degrees, two undergraduate minors, three master of science degrees, and two Ph.D. programs.

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