Student Organizations

Become a science ambassador

Become a School of Science ambassador. Whether you volunteer one time for a science event or join our energetic and exceptional Student Ambassador team, we’d love to help you get involved with helping prospective students learn more about us.

You’ll earn volunteer hours, get team building experience, add to your professional network, build your skills, and have a broader impact in the world of science.

As an ambassador, you can:

  • Participate in student panel discussions for prospective students
  • Lead tours of the School of Science facilities for prospective students
  • Greet prospective students at recruitment events
  • Make phone calls to prospective students
  • Assemble promo folders and recruitment mailings

Email for information on how to get involved.

Get involved in student government

You can help determine the direction of IU Indianapolis when you join the student government.

There are governmental organizations at both the school and campus level.

Undergraduate opportunities

There are two organizations within the School of Science.

You can also join the Undergraduate Student Government to help direct activities at the campus level.

Graduate opportunities

The School of Science Graduate Student Council seeks to address the needs and concerns of graduate and professional students in the School of Science.

At the campus level, the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) serves as the official voice of 8,000+ graduate and professional students on the IU Indianapolis campus.