INDIANAPOLIS -- Six undergraduate students received the award: Kaitlyn Engle, Morgan Moran, Greg Rothchild, Kamilah Walters, Bryce Wray-Nelson, and Lauren Yoder.
The William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion is designed to honor graduating IUPUI students who have shown an exemplary commitment to the community and who have developed an ethic of civic mindedness. This engagement includes activities such as volunteer or pro-bono service at a non-profit agency, participation in service learning courses, voluntary service abroad or involvement with a faculty member on a community-based research project.
The medallion is named in honor of IUPUI's former Executive Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculties from 1988 to 2006, Dr. William Plater, a strong advocate of civic engagement during his career.
This year’s recipients will be honored with medallions at the IUPUI Robert G. Bringle Civic Engagement Showcase by former Dean of Faculty, William M. Plater, on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at IUPUI in the Campus Center.