Health Professions Expo

Midwest Health Professions Expo 2021

This virtual event will provide an opportunity for pre-health students and health professions schools and programs to come together. Students can learn all about the graduate school opportunities that will prepare them for a career in healthcare. Admission representatives can connect with students and inform them of their schools/program’s strengths, as well as what they look for in applicants.

Monday, March 1, 2021
12-3 p.m. ET

View the full list of schools and programs participating in the Expo »

Hosted by Indiana University-Bloomington, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Purdue University, The Ohio State University, and University of Cincinnati

Information for students

Our virtual event will provide you an opportunity to learn all about the graduate school opportunities that will prepare you for a career in healthcare.

Take your time and explore the many options available. Each recruiter listing will include the programs they represent, institution description, and the times they will be available to chat.

We strongly encourage you to use the institution listing as if you were walking around a fair looking for your program of interest. To help keep yourself organized, create a schedule of the recruiters with whom you would like to speak and their chat session times. Once you have your must-see institution list established, go back and add some institutions you had not previously considered.

View the full list of schools and programs participating in the Expo »

Information for recruiters

Chat with talented potential graduate students interested in a variety of health professions. This virtual event will allow institutions to connect with students through an online platform of your choice.

Chat session details

By registering to participate in the Midwest Health Professions Expo, you will have the opportunity to set up a live chat session using the online platform of your choice (e.g. Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, etc.) as well as select the time(s) of your chat session on March 1st. View your chat session as the same opportunity you have to speak with students as if they approached your table at an on-site fair.

When you register, please submit the chat session link as well as a call-in number.* Please include the time(s) students will be able to speak with your institution’s representatives. The link and times of the chat will be available prior to Monday, March 1st on the event website so that attendees can plan ahead.

In order to provide students a balance of program types we may need to place some institutions on a wait list.

*Please keep in mind that not all students have access to video capabilities. Including a call-in number will allow these students to join the chat session.

Managing chat sessions

Some suggestions for managing your chat sessions:

  • Keep in mind this is a chat session, it is not time to give a formal presentation about your institution.
  • Organize a panel or Q&A session so students can drop-in to ask about the opportunities available at your institution.
  • Have one representative designated to moderate the chat session by speaking with students and another to manage the chat box.
  • Have a list of talking points to address should there be a lull in questions.

If you have questions or concerns, please email us at