Frédérique Deiss, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

LD 326J
(317) 278-5507
Research Areas:
Analytical Chemistry | Bioanalytical Chemistry | Forensic Science | Sensors


The core research of the group is to develop electroanalytical platforms for preventative care and forensics using paper, microfluidics, and spectroscopy.

For example, the group works on a voltammetric ion sensing for the detection of micronutrients (such as potassium or magnesium ions). Ion sensing is also at the center of our paper-based assay for the quantification of chlorate used to detect inorganic explosives (NIJ funded). Besides nutrition, another main target of preventive care is done via the detection of bacteria. We are focusing on two different ways to detect bacteria in food or water: (i) one at the point-of-care with portable paper-based detection and (ii) a rapid highly sensitive detection of bacteria by electrochemiluminescence. 

Building on previous experience with paper-based devices and diagnostics, some projects focus on developing the assays onto a paper substrate.


  • Ph.D. (2009) University of Bordeaux, France
  • Diplome d'Ingenieur (2006) Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux

Publications & Professional Activity

15. Deiss, F.; Yang, Y.; Matochko, W.; Derda, R., Heat-enhanced peptide synthesis on Teflon-patterned paper, Org. Biomol. Chem, 2016, Org. Biomol. Chem, 2016, 14, 5148-5156

14. Tjhung, K.; Deiss, F.; Tran, J.; Chou, Y.; Derda, R., Intra-domain phage display (ID-PhD) of peptides and mini-domain proteins censored from canonical pIII phage display, Front. Microbiol., 2015, 6:340

13. Burnham, S.; Hu, J.; Anany, H.; Brovko, L.; Deiss, F.; Derda, R.; Griffiths, M.W., Towards rapid on-site phage-mediated detection of generic Escherichia coli in water using luminescent and visual readout, Anal. Bioanal.Chem., 2014, 406, (23), 5685-5693

12. Deiss, F; Matochko, WL.; Govindasamy, N.; Lin, EY.; Derda, R.  Flow-Through Synthesis on Teflon-Patterned Paper To Produce Peptide Arrays for Cell-Based Assays, Angewandte Chemie, 2014, 53, 6374-6377 (‘Hot paper’; back cover)

11. Deiss, F.; Huacca, MF.; Bal, J.; Tjhung, KF.; Derda R Antimicrobial susceptibility assays in paper-based portable culture devices, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 167-171, (back cover)

10. Deiss, F.; Mazzeo, A.; Lee, E.; Ingber, D.; Derda, R.; Whitesides, G. M. A Platform for High-Throughput Testing of the Effect of Soluble Compounds on 3D Cell Cultures, Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 8085–8094

9. Descamps, E.; Duroure, N.; Deiss, F.; Leichle, T.; Adam, C.; Mailley, P.; Ait-Ikhlef, A.; Livache, T.; Nicu, L.; Sojic, N., Functionalization of optical nanotip arrays with an electrochemical microcantilever for multiplexed DNA detection. Lab Chip, 2013, 13, 2956-2962

8. Deiss, F.; Laurent, S.; Descamps, E.; Livache, T.; Sojic, N. Opto-electrochemical nanosensor array for remote DNA detection, Analyst, 2011, 136, 327-331

7. Nie, Z.; Deiss, F.; Liu, X.; Akbulut, O.; Whitesides, G. M. Integration of paper-based microfluidic devices with commercial electrochemical readers, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 3163-3169

6. Deiss, F.; Combellas, C.; Fretigny, C.; Sojic, N.; Kanoufi, F. Lithography by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy with a Multiscaled Electrode, Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 5169-5175

5. Deiss, F.; Stoddart, P.; Sojic, N. Nanostructured optical fiber bundles for high-density biochemical sensing and remote imaging, Anal. Bioanalchem., 2010, 396, 53-71

4. Aouani, H.; Deiss, F.; Wenger, J.; Ferrand, P.; Sojic, N.; Rigneault, H. Optical-fiber-microsphere for remote fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Opt. Express, 2009, 17, 19085-19092

3. Zamuner, M.; Talaga, D.; Deiss, F.; Guieu, V.; Kuhn, A.; Ugo, P.; Sojic, N. Fabrication of a Macroporous Microwell Array for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Adv. Funct. Mat., 2009, 19, 3129-3135

2. Deiss, F.; LaFratta, C. N.; Symer, M.; Blicharz, T. M.; Sojic, N.; Walt, D. R. Multiplexed sandwich immunoassays using electrochemiluminescence imaging resolved at the single bead level, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6088-6089

1. Gillies, E. R.; Deiss, F.; Staedel, C.; Schmitter, J.-M.; Huc, I. Development and biological assessment of fully water soluble helical aromatic amide foldamers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 4081-4084

Book Chapter: Deiss, F.; Yang, Y.; Derda, R., Parallel syntheses of peptides on Teflon-patterned paper arrays (SyntArrays) in Microarray technology by Li, P. C. H.; Sedighi, A.; Wang, L., Springer, 2016, Volume 1368 of the series Methods in Molecular Biology pp 249-271.