Employer Career Fair Registration

SciTech Career & Internship Fair

Tuesday, September 16, 2025
12pm - 4pm
IU Indianapolis Campus Center

SciTech Empowerment Brunch

Tuesday, September 16, 2025
10am - 11:30am
IU Indianapolis Campus Center

Registration will open in May. 

Hosted by the IU Indianapolis School of Science and Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, the SciTech Career & Internship Fair is the premier recruiting event for students pursuing degrees in science, technology, and mathematics at IU Indianapolis. 

While most attendees are students majoring in science and technology, any IU Indy student whose coursework, skills, and interests make them a good fit for a career in STEM is welcome to attend.

Our Programs

Luddy Indianapolis and the School of Science offer more than 35 diverse majors. The majority of attendees at the career fair include the following programs. 

Undergraduate Math Degrees: Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Data Science, and Pure Mathematics

Undergraduate Science Degrees: Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry (ACS Certified), Environmental Science, Forensic & Investigative Sciences (FEPAC Accredited), Geology, Neuroscience, Physics, and Psychology

Undergraduate Technology Degrees: Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Informatics, Computer Science, Health Information Management, Informatics, and Media Arts and Science

Graduate Math Degrees: Applied Statistics, Computational Data Science, Data Science/Sports Analytics, and Mathematical Sciences

Graduate Science Degrees: Addiction Neuroscience, Applied Earth Sciences, Applied Social & Organizational Psychology, Biology, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Clinical Psychology, Forensic Science (FEPAC Accredited), Geology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Physics

Graduate Technology Degrees: Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Health Informatics, Human Computer Interaction, and Library and Information Science

SciTech Empowerment Networking Brunch

We will be hosting a SciTech Empowerment Brunch as part of the 2025 SciTech Career & Internship Fair. The brunch is designed to allow employers to connect with women-identifying students and will require an additional fee to attend. Due to limited space, only 15 companies will be able to participate. 

Pricing and Logistics

  • SciTech Empowerment Brunch + career fair registration: $650
  • Standard registration: $350
  • Non-profit and government agencies: $250
  • IU Offices: $150

Registration fees include one six-foot table with two chairs, lunch, and parking for two representatives. Additional representatives may register for $25/person. 

Partnership Opportunities

In addition to valuable recruiting possibilities, additional visibility and access are available through event partnership, as detailed below:

Employer Partner $1,000 (includes registration)

  • Prime placement of booth at the career fair
  • Primary recognition in marketing materials
  • Company logo featured during the event
  • Company logo on printed materials
  • Two additional representatives

Career Fair Logistics

For additional details, please email Hailey Allen (School of Science) at haimorg@iu.edu or Kevin Lema (Luddy Indianapolis) at klema@iu.edu.  

Travel and Parking

IU Indianapolis Campus Center
420 University Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202

All employers should park in the Vermont Street Garage. 

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