Luoding Zhu
- Office:
- LD 270G
- Phone:
- (317) 278-9225
- Email:
- Website:
- Research Areas:
- Computational Biofluid Dynamics | Mathematical Biology
Prof. Zhu's research program is in the area of applied computational mathematics with biological applications. He is interested in numerical methods for and computer simulations of fundamental mechanical and/or biological processes which involve incompressible viscous fluids and elastic deformable boundaries. There are two major components of his research program: development of numerical methods for fluid-flexible-structure-interaction problems including extension/improvement of the immersed boundary (IB) method, and applications of these methods to problems in life science/ biomedical engineering.
Currently Prof. Zhu is working on 1) developing a 3D IB method using the lattice Boltzmann approach for turbulent biological flows with application; 2) modeling and simulation of blood flows in arteries with disease such as atherosclerosis.
Institute for Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science