Clinical Psychology - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Program details

The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program subscribes to a clinical science model of clinical training. As such, students seeking strong research training, in conjunction with evidence-based practicum experiences, would be the most desirable students for the program.

Program highlights

  • Unique programmatic focus areas: health psychology, diversity science, and dual diagnosis (severe mental illness and substance use)
  • High publishing productivity of students and faculty
  • Cutting edge, grant-funded research
  • Located on the primary academic health sciences campus for the state of Indiana, with active collaborators and clinical supervisors in the IU School of Medicine and nearby hospitals
  • Students receive prestigious recognitions and awards
  • Diverse range of community-based clinical practicum opportunities, tailored to your interests
  • 100% APA-accredited internship match rate in the past 10+ years (compared to 81% national average of Clinical Ph.D. programs)
  • Emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community and research
  • Nestled in the urban city of Indianapolis; low cost of living (12% below national average) allows enjoyment of great restaurants, parks, museums, and events on a graduate student budget
  • Welcoming culture of collaboration and collegiality among students and faculty

The Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology was designed to integrate the assessment and intervention strategies of evidence-based clinical psychology with health/rehabilitation psychology's emphasis on optimizing the adaptation of persons with chronic, disabling medical conditions. Our program addresses the psychological and social consequences of mental and physical health conditions. As researchers, we study behaviors, experiences, and attitudes of persons with disabilities and illness; develop and assess theoretical models that attempt to understand how behavior, health, and illness interact; and develop and evaluate treatment approaches. As practitioners, we assess individuals and their environments, plan and implement interventions, and monitor the success of this work. The program emphasizes the acquisition of the methods, theories, and knowledge of behavioral science along with the practitioner skills of clinical psychology.

The program embraces a series of three overarching goals and seven subsidiary objectives for training. The goals and objectives are outlined below. Upon graduating from the program, students will be able to demonstrate a high level of competence in each of these areas.

Goal 1: To produce graduates who are capable of making independent contributions to the scientific knowledge base of clinical psychology

  • Objective 1A: Students will demonstrate knowledge in the breadth of scientific psychology, including historical perspectives of its foundations and development.
  • Objective 1B: Students will demonstrate knowledge in the theory, methodology, and data analysis skills related to psychological research
  • Objective 1C: Students will demonstrate the ability to generate new scientific knowledge and theory related to the field of psychology.

Goal 2: To produce graduates who can competently integrate the science and practice of clinical psychology and can provide evidence-based services

  • Objective 2A: Students will acquire knowledge and skills in the assessment of individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as the diagnosis of psychological problems and disorders.
  • Objective 2B: Students will acquire knowledge and skills in the conceptualization, design, implementation, delivery, supervision, consultation, and evaluation of evidence-based psychosocial interventions for psychological problems and disorders.

Goal 3: To produce graduates who demonstrate they can conduct themselves in culturally sensitive and ethical ways in the science and practice of clinical psychology

  • Objective 3A: Students will demonstrate sensitivity, knowledge, and skills in regard to the role of human diversity in the research and practice of clinical psychology.
  • Objective 3B: Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of the APA ethical code and will demonstrate their ability to apply ethical principles in practical contexts.

Program Leadership

Melissa Cyders, Ph.D.
Director of Clinical Training

As the Director of Clinical Training, I oversee the management of the clinical psychology program, including student recruitment, retention, and development. I am also responsible for day-to-day management of the program, communication with our accrediting body, and working with other program faculty and leadership to ensure students develop and meet competency milestones while enrolled in our program.

Kendra Stewart, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Clinical Training

As the Assistant Director of Clinical Training, I oversee the clinical training for the program, including practicum development, placement, and quality control. I also work with other faculty to ensure students clinical training meets program guidelines and goals.

Deanna Barthlow, Ph.D.
Director of the Clinical Psychology Mental Health Center

As Director of the Clinical Psychology Mental Health Center, I oversee the day-to-day operations of the center, provide supervision and training to first-time and advanced clinical trainees, and make all administrative decisions for the center. I work with other faculty and leadership to ensure students are prepared for external advanced practicum placements.

Core Faculty Mentors

Melissa Cyders, Ph.D.
Director of Clinical Training

My primary research area is the role of emotional experiences and impulsivity in risk processes for a wide range of maladaptive health behaviors, including alcohol use, drug use, gambling, risky sexual practices, sexting, and eating disorders.

I am planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

Adam Hirsh, Ph.D.

My lab conducts research on the biopsychosocial aspects of pain and functioning in humans. We study providers of pain care, patients who experience pain, and healthy laypersons.

I am planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

India Johnson, Ph.D.

My body of work examines evidence-based interventions to promote the success of singly and multiply marginalized persons across a variety of organizational environments.

I am planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

Kyle S. Minor, Ph.D.

My focuses on identifying clinical risk markers of psychosis and implementing interventions for individuals at risk for or diagnosed with Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. The long-term goals of my research program are to develop instruments that accurately assess psychotic symptoms and create interventions to improve the lives of people with psychosis.

I am planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

Catherine Mosher, Ph.D.

My primary research interests are: (1) developing, evaluating, and disseminating psychosocial interventions for cancer patients and their family caregivers; and (2) identifying demographic, medical, and social predictors of physical and psychological health outcomes in cancer patients and their family caregivers. My recent projects have focused on novel applications of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for these populations.

I am not planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

Kevin Rand, Ph.D.

Currently, my research is focused in several health-relevant populations, including people with cancer, people experiencing clinical pain, and women experiencing pelvic health concerns (e.g., dysmenorrhea, pelvic organ prolapse, hot flashes). I am interested in understanding how people cope with their illnesses and how these coping efforts influence psychological adjustment (especially symptoms of depression and anxiety) and future treatment decisions. More generally, I investigate how people think about and pursue goals in their lives, how they cope with goal disruptions, and how these goal pursuits influence people's mental and physical health. I am a core faculty member of the RESPECT center, which is a collaborative, interdisciplinary group of researchers and clinicians who are interested in the science of palliative and end-of-life care across the lifespan.

I am not planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

Jesse Stewart, Ph.D.

I conduct research examining the influence of negative emotions (e.g., depression, anxiety, and hostility/anger) on the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and hypertension. I also investigate the role of cardiovascular responses to stress in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

I am not planning to recruit a new graduate student for my research laboratory for Fall 2025.

Wei Wu, Ph.D.

I am interested in developing, improving, and evaluating statistical methods that are useful in clinical research. My research has been primarily focused on the methods to analyze missing data such as multiple imputation methods for continuous and categorical data, and methods to analyze change such as growth curve modeling, as well as methods to probe possible causal effects such as cross lagged panel models. I am also interested in efficient designs for longitudinal research.

I am planning to recruit a new graduate student as a co-advisor with another faculty member in Fall 2025.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 90 semester hours of graduate work.

Clinical Psychology (18 credit hours)

Courses include two semesters each of intervention and assessment; coursework in ethical, cultural, and legal issues in clinical psychology; and psychopathology.

Statistics and Methods (15 credit hours)

Two courses in basic statistical techniques, one course in research methods, one course in systematic review and meta-analysis, and an additional advanced statistical analysis course.

Psychology Breadth (6 credit hours)

Two integrated breadth courses: one examining cognitive, affective, and social aspects of behavior and one in developmental neuroscience.

Clinical Practicum (12 credit hours)

A minimum of 800 hours of supervised training with hands-on experience in assessment and intervention. First clinical practicum experience occurs in our Mental Health Center, providing intensive training and supervision. Subsequent practica occur in local clinical and healthcare settings.

Minor (6 credit hours)

Two courses in minor area of study (Diversity Science or Psychology of Teaching).

Professional Development (5)

Courses include a first-year professional development seminar, a teaching seminar, area meetings, advanced clinical intervention trainings, and an advanced professional development seminar.

Electives (12 credit hours)

Four courses of the student’s choice from the psychology department or from other departments within the university, pending approval of the student’s plan of study committee.

Master's Thesis (3 credit hours)

Dissertation (9-18 credit hours)

Clinical Internship (0-2 credit hours)

A minimum of 2000 hours of supervised training at an approved site.

Degrees are conferred through the Indiana University system. Entering students must meet the minimum admission requirements of the Graduate School of Indiana University and departmental requirements.

We are particularly interested in receiving applications from persons with a strong commitment to research, scholarly work, and a scientific perspective. Previous research experience or the completion of an undergraduate research project is seen as particularly positive (but not required). We value a broad liberal arts or science-based undergraduate education as the foundation for graduate study. We take a balanced approach to admission, and relative weaknesses in one area may be balanced by strengths in others. The clinical psychology program is committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environment for its students; persons with disabilities and underrepresented individuals are encouraged to apply.

Admission to the program is competitive and only under unusual circumstances will students be considered for admission who fail to meet these standards:

Bachelor's degree

All applicants must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. You do not need a master's degree to apply.


An undergraduate and graduate grade point average of 3.2 or higher on a 4-point scale. The mean GPA of students admitted between 2014-2020 is 3.81.


Submission of GRE test scores is optional - applications with and without GRE scores will be given equal consideration. Scores are used in the overall evaluation process by the area to determine preparation for graduate training, but there is no minimum score required and all credentials are considered by the admissions committee. Only valid GRE scores are accepted; test scores are valid for five years after the testing year in which you tested (July 1-June 30).

Psychology GRE

The Psychology GRE is optional, but not required - applications with and without GRE scores will be given equal consideration.

Undergraduate Prerequisites

Except in unusual circumstances, students admitted to the program are expected to have completed at least 15 credit hours in psychology. Although there are no specific undergraduate course prerequisites for program entry, students without coursework in the following areas will likely be at a disadvantage when taking some of the required courses: 1) research methods, 2) statistics, and 3) abnormal psychology. Students without preparation in these areas may be asked by their instructors to complete some remedial activity prior to enrolling in the graduate course (e.g., reading an undergraduate text or taking an undergraduate course).

Curriculum Vitae and Essay

Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, as well as a personal essay of </= 750 words using the following prompt: Describe how your background, accomplishments, and life experiences led to your decision to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology from our institution. Discuss your goals for graduate school and your future career. In addition, describe how your background, accomplishments, and life experiences will help you contribute to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive Department where everyone feels valued and is treated with dignity and respect. Include any educational, personal, cultural, economic, or social experiences, as well as any challenges and/or opportunities, that are relevant to your academic path.

International students English proficiency requirements

As an international applicant, you must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) unless you have a bachelor's degree from a predominantly English-speaking country. You must have a minimum total score of 80 on the internet-based test (subscore minimums must also be met: Reading-19, Listening-14, Writing-18, Speaking-18). For more information, visit the Office of International Affairs website.

Application deadline

December 1st (Students admitted for fall enrollment only). To be considered for admission, all application materials must be received by the deadline.

Application review & selection process

Completed applications received by the application deadline are reviewed in December or early January by the Admissions Committee, consisting of the core faculty. After the folders are reviewed individually by a subset of the Committee, a meeting is scheduled in which an initial pool of candidates is selected. Candidate selections are made using the following criteria: research experience, GPA, strength of undergraduate education, GRE scores (optional), and letters of recommendation. The compatibility of student interests with those of the faculty and the program emphasis (i.e., health psychology, diversity science, severe mental illness, substance use research) is strongly considered.

Candidates are then interviewed by faculty and staff during a day-long zoom interview, usually scheduled in January or February. Candidates also meet individually and as a group with current graduate students. Alternative interviews may be conducted if the applicant is unable to attend the interview day.

Following the interviews, the Committee meets again to make final selections. The candidates are then rank-ordered with primary selections and alternates. Candidates who are recommended by the Admissions Committee are then contacted by email, with acceptance letters sent to the applicants. Following American Psychological Association Guidelines, applicants must communicate whether they accept the offer for admission by April 15. The rank-order list of accepted applicants provides the next individual who will be offered acceptance into the program if an initial offer is rejected. Finally, the selections are sent to the Graduate School at West Lafayette for final approval. Candidates offered admission may be offered an opportunity to attend admissions open house prior to making an enrollment decision.

Each year approximately 4-8 applicants are admitted by the Admissions Committee, with all the faculty committee members participating in the selection process. The exact number of admitted students is determined by a consideration of (1) qualifications of applicants; (2) capacity to provide quality training to all students; and (3) capacity to provide assistantships or other sources of support for all new and current students. Because more qualified applicants apply to the program than can be admitted, the first criterion has not been the limiting factor. The second criterion assumes a ratio of no more than 6 students to each core faculty. With 9 current core faculty who mentor research, the maximum capacity is approximately 56 students. As a practical matter, financial support is currently the most salient limiting factor. Taking into consideration fellowship, grant, and departmental support, we anticipate 4-8 students can be brought in annually.

Offers & acceptances policy

The Clinical Psychology Program follows the policy of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Training (CUDCP).

Student admissions, outcomes, and other data

View student admissions, outcomes, and other data for the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program »

The program provides training emphases in three areas:

  • clinical health psychology
  • diversity science
  • dual diagnosis (severe mental illness/psychiatric rehabilitation and substance use)

This is accomplished by completing advanced courses, selecting targeted practicum experiences, and engaging in research in these areas. The Department of Psychology, the IUI campus, and the city of Indianapolis provide numerous research and clinical opportunities and a rich environment to pursue these interests. The Department of Psychology has ongoing funded projects in all three areas and provides for a vibrant climate of scholarly activity. Superb practicum placement opportunities are also readily available in all three areas and complement the vigorous research experiences and the advanced courses offered.

Clinical Health Psychology

Clinical health psychology is both an applied and a basic science, traditionally focusing on four areas: health promotion and maintenance, prevention and treatment, etiology and correlates of health, illness, and dysfunction, and the health care system and the formulation of health care policy. A clinical health psychologist is a clinical psychologist who specializes in the application of psychological knowledge to the understanding of health and illness through basic and clinical research, education, and clinical service activities. Related areas are behavioral medicine and health psychology. This training emphasis area will prepare students to enter the field as researchers, practitioners, and/or administrators in a variety of settings, including universities, medical schools, hospitals and medical centers, clinics, private practice, and government agencies.

Diversity Science

Diversity science examines issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including stigma, differential access to resources, and poorer physical and mental health outcomes that disproportionately affect minoritized populations. This minor provides coursework that examines the historical influences, social structures, and contemporary practices that produce disparities across several sectors in society, as well as strategies and interventions to mitigate and prevent such disparities.

Dual Diagnosis

The co-occurrence of substance and alcohol use and severe mental illness is common and requires a focus on prevention, early identification, and specialized intervention. Individuals with severe psychiatric disorders (such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) often have ongoing problems in community functioning and require a set of practices aimed at assisting such individuals to achieve personal life goals and full integration into the community. Similarly, substance and alcohol use disorders have mortality rates and societal costs and are often difficult to treat. Students interested in dual diagnosis are exposed to new research and clinical training related to evidence-based practice and have an opportunity to work with nationally recognized leaders in the field. Research practices span from neuroimaging, neurocognitive measurements, ecologically momentary assessment, laboratory-based oral and intravenous alcohol studies, qualitative methods, school-based interventions, and large-scale longitudinal survey methods. Students often participate in research collaborations and practicum training through the ACT Center of Indiana, the Roudebush VA, PARC center for early psychosis, the Indiana Alcohol Research Center, the Indiana School of Medicine Adolescent Division, the Addiction Neuroscience Program, the Indiana University Addictions Grand Challenge Program, and a T32 training grant housed in the Department of Psychology focused on training on research in alcohol use.

The Mental Health Center is an in-house training clinic for the IUI Clinical Psychology PhD program. Services are provided by doctoral students from the PhD program in Clinical Psychology at IUI. They will be supervised by a licensed clinical psychologist.

We serve IUI students (undergraduate, professional, and graduate) with clinically significant but less severe/urgent behavioral health and wellness-related needs with individual and group therapy.

We also aim to serve IUI students and community members who need educational and/or behavioral health assessments.

Mental Health Center website »

The IUI campus and the city of Indianapolis provide a rich environment for clinical practica.

A clinical practicum is a supervised training and educational experience conducted in a university, hospital, or community health care setting. Generally, the sites for these practica are located in the Indianapolis area, but other locations are also possible. Training stresses the integration of scientific method, critical thinking, and evidence-based knowledge into professional practice. Practicum training helps students increase their basic clinical skills and confidence and acquire increased understanding of professional responsibility and ethics, as well as the many roles that psychologists can perform.

Practica are organized on a one or two semester-long basis and are usually one or two days each week. An important feature of the practicum experience at IUI is a high degree of access to many different clinical settings and client populations within and across specializations. In addition, most practicum sites involve professional psychologists who provide on-site supervision and serve as mentors. Health professionals including psychiatrists and others also function in supervisory and mentoring roles. The Assistant Director of Clinical Training meets individually with students to identify practicum sites based on student interest, skills, and site availability. Close liaison is maintained between the Assistant Director of Clinical Training and each practicum site to ensure that the practicum experience is meeting the training needs and educational objectives of the student. Most students complete 4-5 different placements.

Examples of potential practicum sites

  • Indiana University Medical Center – Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Mental Health Unit
  • Riley Hospital for Children – Tic and Anxiety Clinic
  • Carmel Psychology (children/adolescents)
  • Marian University Counseling Center
  • Indiana University (IU) Health – Primary Care
  • Indiana Polyclinic (chronic pain clinic)
  • Indiana University Medical Center – Diabetes Clinic
  • Riley Hospital for Children – Pediatric Pain Clinic
  • Riley Hospital for Children – Gender and Adolescent Health Program
  • Riley Hospital for Children – Pediatric Behavioral Sleep Medicine
  • Riley Hospital for Children – Pediatric Psycho-oncology
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Pain Clinic
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Primary Care Clinic
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Palliative Care
  • Indiana University Medical Center – Digestive and Liver Disorders Division
  • Methodist Hospital – Addiction and Treatment Recovery Center
  • Methodist Hospital – Choice Program (Primary Care)
  • Charis Center for Eating Disorders
  • Indiana University Medical Center – Neuropsychology Clinic
  • Meridian Psychological Associates
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Neuropsychology Clinic
  • Eskenazi Hospital – Sandra Eskenazi Center for Brain Excellence
  • Neuropsychology Associates
  • Beacon Psychology Services (children/adolescents)
  • Juvenile Detention Center (children/adolescents)
  • Eskenazi Hospital – Midtown Community Mental Health Center
  • Eskenazi Hospital Midtown Westside –Borderline Personality Disorder Clinic
  • Eskenazi Hospital – Midtown Prevention and Recovery Clinic (PARC)
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center (PRRC)
  • Roudebush VAMC Hospital – Psychiatric Inpatient Unit

The Department of Psychology provides financial support for Ph.D. students throughout their graduate education. We make the commitment to support students in good standing for 5 years. Although the availability of student funding fluctuates, we have been able to provide financial support (stipend + tuition scholarship for the maximum remittable portion of tuition) for all of our doctoral students for five years. Students in good standing within the Clinical Psychology program will receive a minimum stipend of $21,000. Stipend support typically comes from teaching or research assistantships, for 20 hours/week, 10 months of the year (with additional summer funding often available).

Teaching assistantship activities may include grading, coaching students, teaching labs, and guest lecturing. Advanced students often have the opportunity to be the instructor of record for a number of different courses, including on-line options. Research assistantships typically involve working with the student's primary mentor (and/or collaborators) on funded research studies. Activities may include project management, recruiting and interviewing clinical participants, data analysis, manuscript writing, and grant writing.

The Clinical Program sets aside at least 25% of our annual budget to go directly to students to support travel and research projects. The past few years, we have been able to support over $12,000 worth of student requests annually. In addition, research grants and dissertation fellowships are available on a competitive basis, and our students have been successful in obtaining these. The departmental or school provides licenses for major research software, and student licenses for other software are available for low cost. The Clinical Program also purchases clinical manuals and library resources each year.

If you are from a qualifying Midwest state, you may be eligible for the Midwest Exchange Program.

The program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

Phone: (202) 336-5979

Interested in our program but need to develop your skills and preparedness? Apply for the IUI Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (IPREP).

Graduate students in our Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program are competitive in obtaining external grants, fellowships, and awards. Our students have been successful in receiving various campus-wide university fellowships, research/travel awards and other awards including the Sherry Queener Graduate Student Excellence Award and Elite 50. In addition, our students have obtained pre-doctoral internship placements at many excellent clinical and research facilities around the country.

Here are a few recent accomplishments of our current students.

External Research Grants & Fellowships

  • Danielle Abel, CTSI TL1 Fellowship Award (2021), VA Connecticut Bell-Kerns Psychology Research Award (2024), VA VISN 1 New England MIRECC Pilot Study Grant (2024)
  • Tracy Anastas, F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
  • Eva Argyriou, F31 Predoctoral Training Award
  • Lindsey Fisher-Fox, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2022)
  • Alexis Grant, APA Division 40 Dissertation Grant (2022), APA Division 38 Dissertation Grant (2022), VA Connecticut Bell-Kerns Psychology Research Award (2024)
  • Shirin Khazvand, NIAAA T32 Training Grant (2022)
  • Ellen Krueger, T32 Predoctoral Training Award, Interdisciplinary Training in Behavioral Oncology, NCI
  • Melissa Liu, NIAAA T32 Training Grant (2022)
  • Madisen Russell, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention (2024)
  • Matt Schuiling, Sleep Research Society Trainee Merit Award (2022)

National Awards

  • Tracy Anastas, Junior Investigator Research Award, Pain & Disparities Special Interest Group, American Pain Society
  • Chachi Bocanegra, US Association for the Study of Pain Travel Award
  • Ian Carson, Society for Prevention Research Early Career Prevention Network Travel Award (2023)
  • Chris Crawford, American Psychosomatic Society Scholar Travel Award (2023), Indy Pride Scholarship (2023)
  • Emma Estrella, US Association for the Study of Pain Travel Award
  • Alexis Grant, Interfaith Leadership Grant (2021), International Association for the Study of Pain Best Paper published in the past 5 years (2022)
  • Timothy Lipuma, Honorable Mention (2022), Ford Fellowship
  • Melissa Liu, Student Merit Award (2021, 2022), Research Society on Alcoholism
  • Christiana Prestigiacomo, Student Merit Award (2021), Research Society on Alcoholism
  • Maggie Rose-McCandlish, National Center for Complementary and Inegrative Health Merit Award for Intramural Scientific Achievement (2023)
  • Matt Schuiling, American Psychosomatic Society Scholar Travel Award (2023), Sleep Research Society Trainee Merit Award (2023)
  • Michelle Williams, Honorable Mention (2021), Ford Fellowship, American Psychosomatic Society Diversity Scholar Travel Award (2023)

School Awards

  • Danielle Abel, IUI Elite 50 (2023), Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award (2023)
  • Ian Carson, IUI Elite 50 (2024), IUI Athletics Favorite Professor (2023)
  • Richelle Clifton, IUPUI Elite 50 (2021), IUPUI Premier 10 (2021)
  • Chris Crawford, John H. Edwards Fellowship (2024), Fielding Advocacy and Leadership Award (2024), GSDC Graduate Diversity Award (2024)
  • Lindsey Fisher-Fox, Chancellor’s Master of Science Award (2024)
  • Alexis Grant, IUPUI Elite 50 (2021), Prevention Insight Big Idea Challenge (2021), GSDC Graduate Student Diversity Award (2023)
  • Jessica Mickens, Racial Justice Research Award (2021), President’s Diversity Mahogany Monette, President’s Graduate Diversity Fellowship (2024)
  • Evan Myers, IUI Elite 50 (2024)
  • Christiana Prestigiacomo, IUI Elite 50 (2024)
  • Sarah Rogers, IUPUI Elite 50 (2021)
  • Eddie Salgado, IUI Elite 50 (2024)
  • Michelle Williams, President’s Diversity Dissertation Fellowship (2023), Dissertation Fellowship (2024)

Internship Match (past 5 years, 2019-2024)

  • Danielle Abel, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT
  • Tracy Anastas, VA Puget Sound, Seattle, WA
  • Eva Argyriou, Charleston Consortium, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
  • Devin Banks, Charleston Consortium, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
  • Emily Bass, Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, NC
  • Shaun Davis, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
  • Kelly Chinh, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA
  • Richelle Clifton, University of Washington-Psychiatry, Seattle, WA
  • Ian Fischer, VA Maryland HCS/University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
  • Melanie Fischer, VA Maryland HCS/University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
  • Alexis Grant, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT
  • Loretta Hsueh, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
  • Annalee Johnson-Kwochka, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
  • Shirin Khazvand, Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, Saint Petersburg, FL
  • Ellen Krueger, Missouri Health Sciences Psychology Consortium, Columbia, MO
  • Melissa Liu, Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, MN
  • Matt Marggraf, VA Maryland Health Care System/University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
  • Lauren Mehok, Southwest Consortium, Albuquerque, NM
  • AJ Muth, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR
  • Evan Myers, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT
  • Brittany Polanka, University of Florida Health Science Center, Gainesville, FL
  • Jay Patel, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
  • Christiana Prestigiacomo, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Phil Procento, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
  • Sarah Rogers, Richard L. Roudebush Indianapolis VAMC, Indianapolis, IN
  • Alia Rowe, Atlanta VA Health Care System, Decatur, GA
  • Eddie Salgado, University of Michigan/Rackham Institute, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Ekin Secinti, Charleston Consortium, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
  • Mackenzie Shanahan, University of Florida Health Science Center, Gainesville, FL
  • Aubrey Shell, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
  • Danielle Tometich, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, New Haven, CT
  • Miji Um, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • Michelle Williams, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL
  • Yue Yu, Charleston Consortium, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

The IUI Clinical Psychology Program is committed to promoting a diverse faculty and student body. Diversity enriches the graduate education experience, and we strive to create and maintain a welcoming environment for students, staff and faculty, including those from minority and underrepresented groups.

Diversity is a campus-wide value as well. IUI ranks in the top 20 non-Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the US for minority students. The School of Science in particular embodies a clear commitment to inclusion and diversity.

Our commitment to diversity is also clear in our training approach. We offer a specific course on diversity and integrate issues of cultural relevance and adaptation throughout our other coursework (e.g., intervention, assessment, research methods). Students complete a 6-credit hour in Diversity Science, preparing them to infuse diversity into their research programs and questions. Students receive clinical training working with diverse client populations given the rich variety of community practicum training sites. Research labs often include a focus on minority health, diversity science, and health disparities. For example, Dr. Adam Hirsh conducts research examining the mechanisms that give rise to disparities in pain care for African American and low socioeconomic patients. Dr. Jesse Stewart is interested in studying how race and ethnicity moderate the relationships between psychosocial factors and health-related outcomes, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. 

We are actively engaged in mentoring graduate students from underrepresented groups and to foster successful careers in academia and beyond. For example, some of our doctoral students are Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Scholars. The SREB Doctoral Scholars Program is designed to address the shortage of minority faculty members at institutions of higher education by providing mentorship, networking, and training in conducting research, securing faculty positions, and progressing in academia.

Our faculty members are also actively engaged in mentoring undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in conducting research and pursuing graduate education. For example, we currently have undergraduate students participating in the Diversity Scholars Research Program and the Olaniyan Scholars Program. The campus is also a host to a postbaccalaureate program (IPREP) to prepare under-represented post-baccalaureate students for careers in academia; several of our faculty mentor students in this program. These students actively participate in our labs and enrich the research training and experience of our graduate students.

The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). The Commission on Accreditation at the APA requires that accredited programs provide this data.

Student admissions, outcomes, and other data »

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